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72 LABOUR IN MADRAS will be kept open for all the members of the Union and we will meet here again to-morrow at 4 o'clock to consider the situation of the day. This is the appeal which we have issued, over my signature, appealing to the public citizens of Madras for subscriptions to the fund which we have opened. As a last word I want to tell you stand united as one man and remember that if there are any divisions in your midst you will not be able to win the victory which I want you to win. I want to give you three words_Unity, Truth, Sacrifice, and according to these you must carry on your work and be sure that triumph will be yours in the end. In view of the resolution passed at the above meeteng, Mr. Wadia as President of the Madras Labour Union issued the following appeal : The Madras Labour Union Relief Fund The uncalled-for and unjust Lock-out of 12,000 workmen belonging to the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills compels us to seek the aid of the charitable and thoughtful public of Madras, for the relief of these men. In these times of high prices, with famine staring us in the face, the situation has been critical but is now made unbearable for thousands of the poor. Under the daily advice given to these poor and starving people they have been behaving in an exceedingly law-abiding manner, and through their great suffering are giving the country an exarıple of pure self-sacrifice. In this, the 12,000 workmen are aided by their mothers, wives and children whose condition we may better leave to the public to imagine. We, therefore, earnestly appeal to all the citizens of Madras to contribute their share, how