Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/118

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The game is commenced as follows: The Centre of each side face each other in the middle of the field, crossing their sticks (as shown in Illustration 1st,) with the ball on the ground between them. At the beginning of the face, the sticks should be almost level with the ground. The illustration represents the second action, when the struggle for the ball has commenced. At the last sound of the words, "Ready—Play," from the senior captain, the men strive to take the ball in the best manner they know how.

The crosse of the Centre should have an angular ridge from near the top of the curve to within a foot of the collar on the right side. It should not extend beyond the first of the length strings nearest the wood; and the top of the ridge should be in the centre, or if anything, a little nearest the outside part of the stick. Lay the ball on the ground, place the stick beside it as in facing, and you will see the object of this ridge, and will understand why some novices succeed in taking the ball away every time from older players. If your crosse is flat, or perfectly round at the part where the ridge should be, it will hardly have any catch to hook the ball; but