Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/193

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as a goal-keeper would, as seen in illustration 8. A side cut is serviceable, but by all means try to prevent the ball passing you.

When the dodger stoops, you must guard against the temptation to shove him over, as was the custom some years ago. Your best resource is to cut either sideways, or sweep over his head and down in front. If the ball is thrown by the dodger, the first principle should be to stop it. He may throw past your right or left side, when you should turn around towards the direction of the ball and endeavour to capture it.

Other modifications of checking adapt themselves to circumstances. An excellent check, in cases where the ball is nearing an opponent, is to strike his stick as he attempts to catch or stop it, as seen in illustration 7. This rule may be carried into every part of the game, where you wish to deprive an opponent of a catch, and may be done in many cases, such, for instance, as when an attempt is made to pick up the ball, to catch, to block, etc.


If the ball is on the ground cover it with your crosse as seen in Illustration 4, having the wood