Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/216

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is weak or strong, and you choose to avoid or followy our posted adversaries; but, particularly at important places like Point, should the men be alive to changes. If it is absolutely necessary, in a strong attack, that your Point should go out, the nearest aid should invariably take up position between goal and cover-point, unless the attack has no men intervening.

Point should act upon the suggestions of goal-keeper. It must be borne in mind that a slip at Point is generally harder to retrieve than elsewhere; and that the fortune of the game is always increased in danger, in proportion to the nearness of the ball to your flags. It is absolutely necessary, then, that Point should be a thoroughly reliable man, and that his connecting links should always be on the alert for rapid support, retreat, or attack.

Cover-Point—Should regulate his distance from Point on the same principle that Point regulates his from goal, and though considered less permanently fixed, he should never fail to be in his place when the game is against him. A Cover-point should possess every qualification of a Point. As a general thing, he has to stand more hard work,