Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/232

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movements of the special points. If there are only twelve on a side, these points necessarily have more leg-work.

We would like to see it made a rule that goal-keeper, Point and Cover-point—especially the two former—should limit their range to their half of the field, unless they made a permanent change, or the game was very favorable for their side. This would give them scope enough, would always ensure a good defence, and better systematize the posting of the men, as the adjacent fielders would know their original positions from their vicinity to these points. and would not be as likely to neglect them. Indeed, in difficult defence, this must necessarily be the management; and in any case, it is the safest play.

The exact position of Home must be governed by many circumstances. The ball is not always thrown to him in the same way, and sometimes not to him at all. If a fielder has a chance to carry a game safely, it would be folly throwing to Home, and trusting to him to put it in. Because a man is Home, it does not follow that he always has the best chance of scoring game. If the rule was absolute

to throw to him, goal-keeper would have an easier