Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/272

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terwove them with wire! It was far too heavy and failed completely; and was broken by him, under foot, in anguish, after the loss of two games in succession at a match.

A word to goal-keeper. You must make up your mind, to endure reproaches patiently, and defeat bravely. Study to succeed; and, believe us, goal-keeping is a post worthy of practice, and infinitely more responsible in a hard-pressed match than all others. When the ball is sent whizzing outside of the goal, and your opponents shout “game,” when it is not game, we hope you will not feel as vexed as we do. It jars on our nerves like a false check to an old chess-player.

We have often let balls through and failed to practice what we preach; but we feel that if we had our goal-keeping life to live over again, we would insist upon special practice; and with a month’s such training, we believe we would defy anyone to put the ball in. Of late, however, there has been encouragement shown to dangerous throws at goal, such as the throw from the shoulder; and notwithstanding that these methods of play have caused accidents, and have made several good players give up playing altogether,