Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/285

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sidered a draw under certain circumstances; and, if postponed, if it is to be resumed where left off.

Sec 5. If postponed and resumed where left off there shall be no change of players on either side.

Sec. 6. Either side may claim at least five minutes rest, and not more than ten, between each game.

Sec. 7. No Indian shall play in a match for a white club unless previously agreed upon.

Sec. 8. After each game players must change goals.

Sec. 9. No change of players must be made after a match has commenced, except for reasons of accident or injury during the game.

Sec. 10. Should any player be injured during a match and compelled to leave the field the opposite side shall drop a man to equalize the teams.

Sec. 11. When a match has been agreed upon, and one side is deficient in the number of players, their opponents may either limit their own numbers to equalize the sides, or compel the other side to fill up the complement.

RULE X—Spiked Soles.

No player must wear spiked soles or boots, and any player attempting to evade this law, shall be immediately ruled out of the match.

RULE XI.—Touching Ball with the Hand.

The ball must not be touched with the hand, save in cases of Rules xii. and xiii.