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RULE XXVII.—Flag Pole Down.

In the event of a flag pole being knocked down during a match, and the ball put through what would be the goal if the flag pole were standing, it shall count game for the attacking side.

RULE XXVIII.—Challenges.

Sec. 1. All challenges must be sent by post, registered addressed to the Secretary of the Club intended to be challenged.

Sec. 2. Any club receiving a challenge from another club, shall, within one week after its receipt, notify the challenging club of the time and place at which they are prepared to play. The place named shall be at either of their pieces of residence, or some intermediate place; and the time mentioned shall be within three weeks from the reception of the challenge.

Sec. 3. On the day selected, if one Club only put in an appearance, it shall be entitled to claim a victory by default. If its opponents refuse to fulfil their engagement, or do not appear upon the ground at the specified time, the club complying with the terms agreed upon shall be declared the winners of the match.

Sec. 4. If at the time of the reception of a challenge a club has on hand any other regular challenge undisposed of, the time for its acceptance shall be extended within a period not exceeding six weeks; and if it should have more than one regular challenge undisposed of, then within a period not exceeding an additional three weeks for every such challenge. Challenges shall not lapse with the end of the season, but shall continue in force until played off. Challenges so carried over shall date from the 10th of May of the new season into which they have been carried.