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promote the cultivation of kindly feelings among the members of Lacrosse Clubs.


Sec. 1.—Its officers shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Council of ten, to be elected annually by ballot; who shall be entitled to vote the same as delegates by virtue of their office. They shall hold office until their successors are appointed.

Sec. 2.—A Minute-Secretary may be appointed, temporarily, at each Convention.

Sec. 3.—The Association may elect a permanent Honorary President, by unanimous vote, who shall have all the privileges of a member.

Sec. 4.—Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices mentioned may be filled at any meeting of the Association, regularly organized, or by a majority vote of the board of officers.

Sec. 5.—All officers shall be ex-officio members of the Council.


Sec. 1.—The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and Council, with the usual privileges of the office. He shall have a vote in the election of officers and the admission of new clubs, and the casting vote in a tie. He shall call extra meetings whenever he shall deem it necessary, and special meetings whenever requested to do so by six clubs—three in Ontario and three in Quebec. The said clubs to state their reasons for wishing such meeting.

Sec. 2.—The Vice-President shall perform the duties of President during his absence or indisposition.