Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/33

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tail, projecting from the small of the back, made of white horse hair or dyed quills of the Canada porcupine, and a mane or neck of horse hair dyed various colors.

It was a rule of the Choctaws that no one should wear any dress save the breech cloth, and the aforesaid tail. The Poutawatamies always wore mocassins.


When great matches were on the tapis, village against village, or tribe against tribe, they were agreed upon and the players selected months ahead. For two weeks before the day of the match, the competitors were to fast from all excesses, eat little food, and harden themselves by every possible means for the exertion in anticipation; and the night preceding, they rather ignored the present theory of training, by a peculiar preparatory ceremony, which we will endeavour to describe

It was usual to select a moonlight night, and a grassy plot near the borders of a river or lake. Only those who were to play on the following day were permitted to join in the ceremony. A large