Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/91

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there. Led by Miniavavana—a man of fifty years of age, le Grand Sauteur, or Great Ojibway as he was called by the French—they fell upon the defenceless garrison, cutting down the soldiers and traders without mercy. Not a Frenchman, many of whom stood calmly looking on, was touched. Henry, who gives a vivid description of the scene, witnessed the fate of several of his countrymen. "Capt. Etherington and Lieut. Leslie were seized and led away to the woods. Lieut. Jamet was instantly killed, and fifteen rank and file, and a trader named Tracy. They wounded two, and took the rest of the garrison prisoners, five of whom they have since killed. They made prisoners of all the English traders, and robbed them of everything they had." About twenty men escaped the massacre. While the joy-bells in England rang out in honor of King George, one little band of loyal men in the wilds of America, thus perished in cold blood in the uniform of His Majesty. Fortunately for those taken prisoners, the Ottawas, who were jealous because the Ojibways attacked the fort without asking them to share in the onslaught, took Capt. Etherington, Lieut. Leslie, and eleven men from the latter. They were afterwards