Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/98

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curve which touches the ground in picking up should be shaved or filed off, either previous to or after weaving. There is no restriction upon the length of the stick, but the measurement most likely to suit all parties is from the toe, close into the hollow under either arm. A long stick is better for long and hard throwing, and for general play, providing the player can manage it ; but the disadvantage is, that the weight is increased, and that the length impedes ground frisking, and is more exposed to checks in dodging. Goal-keeper, however, should never have a crosse longer than the toe and arm-pit measurement. The circumference of the stick should be about 3½ inches in its thickest part ; the back part, which is pierced for the netting, should be shaved flat about a quarter of an inch wide on both sides of the holes. All trimming should be completed before commencing to weave. Care must be taken not to sacrifice strength to appearance. A curve too thin is sure to crack at the holes, and some fine morning collapse. The butt may be bound with waxed cord or chamois, to give a firm grasp, and prevent concussion.

After the stick is bent, and before the string is fastened to retain it in place until seasoned, a hole