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She took a quarter and a third,
On the bride's head he gea't a gird,
Till farls flew athort the card,
and parted round the reſt o't. O, &c.

The laſs that by the hand he took,
Twice, thrice they led her round the crook,
Same ſaid, "Goodwife, well mat ye brook,
And ſome great count they caſt not. &c.

All ran to kilns and barns in ranks,
Some ſat on deals, and ſome on planks,
The piper lad ſtood on his ſhanks,
And dirled up the breaſt-knot. O, &c.

When bride and bridegroom went to bed,
They with a towel ty'd up his head;
And he that loved the couple beſt,
He wiſhed the bride the ratton's reſt. &c.

Our groom he was ſo keen and ſtout,
That he dang the bed bottom out.
The reſt at that they gave a ſhout,
At ruflling of the breaſt-knot. O. &c.

Altho' our bride had nought to ſpare,
I trow ſome maids they got a ſhare,
A wedding night juſt like a fair,
at ruffling of the breaſt-knot. O, &c.

O! how they a' did kiſs and ſmack,
Some maidenheads they got a crack,
I trow our young men were not ſlack,
At ruffling of the breaſt-knot. O, &c.