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cannot think myself, that your neice Henrietta is the properest of all people to receive it, though she did cajole Lord Allerton, with your assistance, so adroitly."

"My niece! What has my niece to do with it?"

"More than you, for you have taken my complaint and will die. Yes, die! probably before me! Foolish woman, why did you suffer yourself to go into a passion, which opens the pores, creates excitability, and will render the slightest infection fatal? Yes! I am unintentionally the avenger of my many injuries. Every word you speak, every breath you inspire, subjects you to becoming the awful spectacle you are beholding, ay, and soon, too. Georgiana, lose not a moment in giving the countess some drops—the antiseptic drops, which you all take to guard you from infection, and——"

But the countess was gone, and her carriage rolling down the street, ere Georgiana could reach either drops or water. As Lady Anne heard it, she said, with somewhat of a complacent smile, "I do wish old Palmer had been here to see how I sent that woman off! I have cured her for one while