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of industry to his family, and bade a languishing mother behold her children once more rejoicing in her love. Like the man of Ross, in a thousand instances, he "the medicine makes and gives," which relights the languid eye, and fills the falling cheek; and from his peculiar and feminine love for children, often is he enabled to arrest the destroying angel, and restore, as if by miracle, the expiring babe to its transported mother. Having, however, been successful in such a case, it is generally found necessary, to his own feelings, to set out forthwith, and visit the Glentworths, in order to see that "the beloved Bambino," " the noble boy," the distinguished "Castello Riccardini," is in health; on which occasion, every niece, and no less every nephew, lay hold of him by turns, as a prize too precious for escape; and half the year elapses before he can return to his Devonshire home, and the simple, but loving subjects, who hold him as their sovereign.

Courteous reader, farewell! if thou hast not learnt from these pages that "honesty is the best policy," that simplicity and integrity are true wisdom, and affection, love, and tenderness, the