Page:Lady Barbarity; a romance (IA ladybarbarityrom00snai).pdf/22

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John, fifth Earl, I can assure you, child, but for this most admirable foresight on the part of heaven." The faint smile that went curling round the condemned man's mouth was delicious to perceive. "For my idea has ever been to run my course and then repent. Well, I have now run my course, therefore let us see about repentance. I am about to moderate my port, and resign the pleasures of the table. My best stories I shall refrain from telling, and confine myself to those that would regale a bishop's lady. But I want you, my charming Bab, to be very affectionate and kind towards your poor old papa; be filial, my love—extremely filial, for I will dispense—I've sworn to do it—with the lavish favours your angelic sex have always been so eager to bestow upon me. Yes, for my soul's sake I must forbid 'em. But lord, what a fortitude I shall require!" This ancient heathen lifted up his eyes and sighed most killingly. "I am reading two chapters of the Bible daily, and I have also engaged a private chaplain, who starts his duties here on Monday week. But I think I'd better tell your ladyship"—with a wicked twinkle—"that he is fifty if he's a day, and with no personal graces to recommend him. I was very careful on those points. For a young and comely parson where there's daughters means invariably mésalliance, and I prefer to risk a permanent derangement in my soul than a mésalliance in my family."

"You appear, my lord," says I, flashing at him,