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Ogil. Tell me then, ſince ſuch is your ability, that you can fly thouſand miles in the twinkling of an eye, if you deſire to do the expressed juſtice, be as great as yonu pretend, what's the reaſon you don't fly to the coffers of ſome rich Jew or bankier, where There are ten thouſands of gold and Glver, and inviſibly lift, and inviſibly return it to the injured? And ſince your wife has ſufficient land and more, why cannot you empty her purſe in your inviſibility, to make theſe people amends?

Cool. Becauſe I cannot.

Ogil. If theſe things be rectified, you would be eaſy and happy, I don't at all credit that, for whatever juſtice you may do to the people, yet the guilt of the baſe action always remains on you.

Cool. Now you think you have filenced me, and gained a noble victory; but I will ſhow you your miſtake immediately, for I cannot touch any gold or money, by reaſon of theſe ſpirits that are ſtated guardians of juſtice and honeſty,

Ogil. What is that you tell me, Cool! do not unworthy fellows break houſes every night, and yet you, that can put yourſelf into ſo many hundred various ſhapes in a moment, cannot do it: What is that you tell me, Cool!

Cool. 'Tis true, ſir, againſt the living, men may find out ſome probable means of ſecuring themſelves, but if ſpirits departed were allowed, then no man would be ſecure for in that caſe, every man that they had a prejudice at would ſoon be ruined.

Ogil. Might you not go to the mines of Mexico and Peru, where there little ſums would not be miſſed?

Cool. No, ſir, for the ſame reaſon.

Ogil. But Cool, ſince there is fo much treaſure lot in the ſea, you may eaſily dive into the bottom of it, ſearch that, and refund theſe people their loſſes, where no man is injured.

Cool. You are a little too forward this night, ſir, and inclined much to banter, what I've ſaid might ſatisfy you; but ſince it does not, I'll tell you further, that no fpirits, good or bad, have power to take any money or gold; the good never do, tho' the (illegible text)nd if once in an age, it is no ſmall quarrel, for if it were allowed them, then they would be very ſucceſsful in their buſineſs, and never fail of gaining their points.

Ogil. What hinders them, Cool?

Cool Superior powers that govern and guard all.

Ogil. You have ſatisfied me intirely upon that head, but pray, Cool, what is the reaſon that you cannot go to your wife yourſelf ad tell her what you have a mind: that would be a more ſurer way to gain your point.

Cool. Becauſe I will not.

Ogil. That does not ſignify to me, Cool.

Cool. That is one of the queſtions that I told you long ago, would not be anſwered; but if you go as deſired, you ſhall have all ſatisfaction after you have done your buſineſs. Truſt me for once, and believe me, you ſhall not be diſappointed.