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Ice, 209, 300.

Implements of husbandry, 58, 104, 202.

Ivory, 202.


Jackal, a mischievous, 364.

Jonker Afrikaner, 108, 112; a letter from, 125; his quarrel with Kahichenè, 127; an instance of his cruelty, 129; Mr. Galton sets out to visit, 130; relations between him and William Zwartbooi, 138; sends an express to Zwartbooi for his horses, ib.; promises to live in peace and amity with the Damaras, ib.; his first victories over the Damaras, 216; whence he came, ib.; gifts presented by Mr. Galton to, 231; the Author takes his portrait, ib.; loses the greater part of his cattle, 240; his werft in the neighborhood of Eikhams, 278; engaged in a cattle-lifting foray, 287; the Author upbraids him for his depredations, 289; his defense, ib.

Justice, summary, 149.


Kachamaha, a powerful Damara chief, 287; the Author's visit to, ib.

Kahichenè, a Damara chieftain, 122; immense number of oxen and sheep possessed by, ib.; his quarrel with Jonker Afrikaner, 127; meets the Author's party at Kotjiamkombè, 147; his appearance and manners, ib.; at variance with a tribe of Damaras under the rule of Omugunde, 149; his summary treatment of thieves, ib.; his kraal, ib.; his death, 152.

Kaiaob, the Namaqua witch-doctor, 318.

Kamapyu, a half-caste native lad, 344.

Kameel-doorn, the, 104; hardness of its wood, ib.; the social grosbeak constructs its nest in the branches of, ib.; groups of, 163.

Klaas Zaal, engaged as a wagon-driver, 354.

Kleinschmidt, Mr., 139, 286.

Kobis, good shooting at, 398; adventure with a black rhinoceros there, 399; with a white one, 400; and with a herd of female elephants, ib.; departure from, 412.

Kolbé, Mr., 109, 127, 138.

Komaggas, a Rhenish missionary station, 325.

Konyati, the, a mountain, 143.

Koodoo, the, a young one caught and reared, 130; its tragic end, 131; description of, 465; the Bushmen's manner of hunting, 467.

Kotjiamkombè, a splendid vley, 146.

Kuisip, the, a periodical stream, 41; swollen by heavy rains, 264.


Lambert, eldest son of Amral, a Namaqua chief, 355.

Larsen (vide Hans).

Larvæ, locust, sudden appearance of at Schmelen's Hope, 140; conjecture respecting, ib.; devoured by storks, ib.

Leché, the, a species of antelope, 431; the Author shoots one, 458.

Lecholètébè, chief of the Batoanas, the Author sends presents to, 393; Timbo's interview with, 402; the Author visits, 418; his manner of receiving presents, 420; his greediness, 421; his prompt mode of punishing his subjects, 422.

Leopard, the, erroneously called tiger by the Dutch, 133; one seizes and wounds a favorite dog, 134; pursued and slain, 134.

Libébè, the capital of the Bavicko, situated considerably to the north of Lake Ngami, 422; the Author determines to visit, 423; the centre of a great inland trade, 484; visited by the Mambari, ib.

Lightning, a man killed by, 108.

Lion, the, a daring and destructive one slain by Messrs. Galton and Bam, 41; a horse and mule killed by lions, 53; panic caused by a troop of lions, 66, 67; two met with on the banks of the Swakop, 93; narrow escape from, ib.; midnight interview with a, 97; one deprived of his prey, 98; one mistaken for a zebra, 112; one kills a goat, 114; pursued and slain, 118; the travelers serenaded by a whole troop of, 123; Mr. Galton confronted by one, 164; stalking antelopes in company with, 210; very numerous and daring in the neighborhood of Zwart Nosop, 238; adventure with one at night, ib.; story of the seizure of lion cubs, 243; troops of them in the neighborhood of Tincas and Onanis, 267; a lion devours a lioness, 302; a fair shot at one, 342; Old Piet's adventures with, 343; one finds his way into the church at Richterfeldt, 344; instances of their boldness, 350; unexpected meeting with five, 396; serious night adventure with one, 508.

Locust, the, larvæ of, 281; immense masses of, ib.; their arrival a cause of rejoicing to the Bushmen, 283; how prepared as food, 284.

Locust-bird, the (Spring-haan vogel), 284.

Louis, a Mozambique liberated slave, 337.


Mackintosh punt, 160.

Malays, the, religion and mode of life of, 24, 25.

Mambari, the, an African tribe, 484.

Matsanyana, the, an African tribe residing north of the Bayeye, 484.

Mimosa, the black-stemmed, found in the periodical water-courses, 90.

Mirage, a remarkable, 33, 303.

Missionaries, their exertions unavailing in Namaqua-land, 42; the natives very reserved on their first appearance in Damara-land, 109; prospect of their success at Schmelen's Hope disappoint-