Page:Lamb - History of the city of New York - Volume 3.djvu/13

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President Washington. — Life in New York. — The John Street Theater. — Social Celebrities. — New Year’s Day. — The Treasury Department. — The National Debt. — Oliver Wolcott. The President and his Secretaries. — The McComb Mansion in Broadway. — Origin of the Tammany Society. — Hamilton’s Financial System. — Indian War in Ohio. — Indian Chiefs in New York City. — Vermont. — Arrival of Jefferson. — The City Treasurer. — Death of Franklin. — Chancellor Livingston. — The Favorite Drive of New York. — Political Questions. — The Permanent Seat of Government. — Aaron Burr. — New York Men and Measures. — The Tontine Association. — New York Election . . . . . . 351-389


Gouverneur Morris' in France. — Effects of the French Revolution in New York. — Citizen Genet. — Hamilton and Jefferson. — The Two Political Parties. — Gouverneur Morris recalled. — War in Prospect. — Chief Justice Jay in England. — “Bedford House.” — Family of Chief Justice Jay. — The Whiskey Rebellion. — Robespierre. — Hamilton’s Retirement from the Treasury. — Lieutenant-Governor Van Cortlandt. — General Philip Van Cortlandt. — The Election of Governor Jay. — The Jay Treaty. — Events of the Summer of 1795. — The Yellow Fever in New York. — Appropriation "for Public Schools. — The New York Society Library. — City Improvements. — The Subject of Slavery. — The Fresh Water Pond. — Steam Navigation. — Political Affairs . . . . . . . . 390-432


Contemporaneous Description of the City. — The Streets and Buildings. — The Broadway. — The Government House. — The Park Theater. — The Drama. — Commerce of New York. — The City of Hudson and its Founders. — Society. — Intellectual Pursuits. — Marriages in High Life. — The Barclay Family. — A Love Romance. — General Jacob Morton. — The Ludlows. — Princes and Noblemen in New York. — Re-election of Governor Jay. — Lieutenant-Governor Van Rensselaer. — The French Directory. — Money or War. — The Alien and Sedition Laws. — War Measures. — Duels. — Aaron Burr’s Bank — The Commercial Advertiser. — Burr and Hamilton. — Death of Washington. — Personal Sketches — Richard Varick. — Edward Livingston . . . . . . . . . 433-471


"The Presidential Tie. — Jefferson and Burr. — The New Cabinet. — The New York Contest for Governor. — Defeat of the Federalists. — The Livingstons in Power. — The Mayoralty of the City. — Duel of Philip Hamilton. — The Evening Post. — The Newspaper War. — Duel-
