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The Lamb in the

in his beauty, Iſa. xxxiii. 17. 'Strength is within his holy place, and there doth beauty ſhine;' there doth glory ſhine.

6. In a word, a throne is a place of pleaſure, peace, joy, and triumph. The Lamb is in the midſt of this place: having aſcended up on high, and led captivity captive, Pſal. lxviii. 18. he ſits triumphant upon the throne, making all his enemies his footſtool. If he triumphed over them on the croſs, as it is ſaid, Col. ii. 15. how much more does he triumph over them on the throne, making all believers ſharers of his joyful triumph!

III. The third thing I propoſed was, To ſhew how the Lamb comes to be upon the throne. I ſhall tell you in a few words, that he bargained for the throne, he wrought for the throne, he fought for the throne, he died for the throne.

1. He bargained for the throne. In the counſel of peace, betwixt the Father and the Son, it was promiſed to Chriſt, that, upon his doing and ſuffering for his people, he ſhould have a glorious throne, and a numerous retinue: that he ſhould ſee his ſeed, and ſee the travel of his ſoul, and be ſatisfied, Iſa, liii. 10, 11. The Lamb cries out, it is a bargain that I chearfully go in to: 'Lo I come; in the volume of thy book it is written of me: I delight to do thy will, O my God; thy law is within my heart; Pſal. xl. 7, 8. Hence says the Father, I have made a covenant with my choſen,' Pſal. lxxxix. 3.

2. He wrought for the throne. According to the bargain and covenant between the Father and him, he brought in everlaſting righteouſneſs, Dan. ix. 24. he fulfilled all righteouſneſs, Matth. iii. 15. And hence he claims the crown and the throne; 'I have glorified thee on earth, I have finiſhed the work