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The Lamb in the

IV. To the next thing propoſed, namely, To ſhow what may be imported in the Lamb's being in the midſt of the throne. And,

1. That the Lamb is in the midſt of the throne, ſpeaks forth the dignity of his perſon, his ſupreme deity, and equality with the Father. Though, in him infinite love, he thought it no diſparagement, at his Father's call, to 'make himſelf of no reputation, and take upon him the form of a ſervant; yet being in the form of God, he thought it no robbery to be equal with God,' Philip. ii. 6. And his Father thinks it no diſparagement to him, to call even the ſuffering Lamb, the crucified Jeſus, his fellow and equal; 'Awake, O ſword, againſt the man that is my fellow,' Zech. xiii. 7. yea, to crown him King upon his everlaſting throne, saying to him, 'Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever,' Heb. i. 8. O Sirs, if the Chriſt-diſparaging and ſoul-damning doctrine of Arians were true, the Lamb would not be worthy of ſuch a throne, far leſs the midſt of the throne.

2. That the Lamb is in the midſt of the throne, imports and ſpeaks forth the height of his exaltation. Beſide the natural right as God, that Chriſt hath to the throne, he hath a donative right as Mediator; and becauſe, as Mediator, he hath brought in glory to God in the higheſt; therefore, he is exalted to the higheſt throne that his Father can give him: 'I will make him my firſt-born, higher than the kings of the earth,' Pſal. lxxxix. 27. And now, according to his promiſe, 'Let all the houſe of Iſrael know aſſuredly, That God hath made that ſame Jeſus that was crucified, both Lord and Chriſt,' Acts ii. 36. And being now poſſeſſed of the throne, 'he hath on his veſture and on his thigh written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF