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Midſt of the Throne.

nor ſun ſmite them.' The redeemed above are perfectly freed from all uneaſineſs; and even the redeemed on earth, according to the meaſure of faith, ſuch will be their meaſure of caſe, even amidſt all things that tend to make them uneaſy. Chriſt ſays to them, 'Fear not, only believe; Fear not, I am with you; Fear not him that can at moſt but kill the body; The very hairs of our head are all numbred:' you may be perfectly eaſy. Nothing is more uneaſy than the ſun in the meridian regions; so are afflictions and perſecutions to the ſaints, and the temptations they are attacked with from earth and hell: but 'God is faithful,' ſays the apoſtle, 'who will not ſuffer you to be tempted above what ye are able, but will with the temptation also make away to eſcape, that you may be able to bear it,' 1 Cor. x. 12.

6. They are happy in their proviſion; because The Lamb that is in the midſt of the throne ſhall feed them; hence he is ſaid to feed his flock like a ſhepherd. The feeding here ſpoken of, imports alſo rule and government, ſuch as a ſhepherd hath over his flock. It is in the believing view of the provident loving ſhepherd, the Psalmiſt says, The Lord is my ſhepherd, I ſhall not want, Pſal. xxii. I.

7. They are happy in their direction and conduct; in their director, guide, and conductor: He ſhall lead them unto living fountains of waters. Now, of theſe living waters the Lord Jeſus ſpeaks, as they reſpect even his people in this world, John iv. 14 and vii. 38. 'The water that I give, ſhall be in him a well of water ſpringing up to everlaſting life; and, out of his belly ſhall flow rivers of living waters.' By theſe they have matter of comfort amidſt all their croſſes. Hence,

8. They are here ſaid to be happy in their joys;