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Ord. No. 26 of 2004
(i) the amount of the new Government rent noted in the register of such lot or section kept under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128), or entered in the Title Register kept under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004), to be deleted; and
(ii) the increased new Government rent to be noted or entered therein.”.

20. Correction of clerical or arithmetical errors

Section 11(2) is amended by repealing “in the Land Registry” and substituting “under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128) or entered in the Title Register kept under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004), as the case may require”.

21. Section substituted

Section 12 is repealed and the following substituted—

12. Evidence of renewal
The amount of the new Government rent payable in respect of a lot or section for the time being shown in the register kept under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128), or entered in the Title Register kept under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004), as the case may be, shall be conclusive evidence of the grant of the new Government lease of the lot or section and of the new Government rent thereof.”.

22. Collection of new Government rent

Section 13(4) is amended by repealing “in the Land Registry” and substituting “under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128) or the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004)”.

23. New Government leases subject to encumbrances and interests

Section 15 is amended—

(a) in paragraph (a), by repealing “in the Land Registry” and substituting “under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128)”;
(b) by adding—
“(aa) any charge registered under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004);
(ab) any equitable mortgage which is the subject of a consent caution or non-consent caution registered under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004);”.

24. Section substituted

Section 16 is repealed and the following substituted—

16. Government lease plan
(1) If a plan of a lot held under a renewable Government lease—
(a) is not annexed to the counterpart of the Government lease kept under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128), or if the plan annexed thereto is, in the opinion of the Director, inaccurate or inadequate to establish the location, position, or dimensions of the lot; or
(b) if the lot is registered under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004), is not referred to in the Title Register kept under that Ordinance, or if the plan is