Page:Landon in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book 1834.pdf/94

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It is a glorious task to seek,
    Where misery droops the patient head:
Where tears are on the widow’s cheek,
    Where weeps the mourner o’er the dead.

These are the moments when the heart
    Turns from a world no longer dear;
These are the moments to impart
    The only hope still constant here.

That hope is present in our land,
    For many a sacred shrine is there;
Time-honoured old cathedrals stand ;*Exeter Cathedral
    Each village has its house of prayer.

O’er all the realm one creed is spread—
    One name adored—one altar known:
If souls there be in doubt, or dread,
    Alas! the darkness is their own.

The priest whose heart is in his toil
    Hath here a task of hope and love;
He dwells upon his native soil,
    He has his native sky above.

Not so beneath this foreign sky;
    Not so upon this burning strand;
Where yonder giant temples lie,†Triad Figure:
Cave of Elephanta

    The miracles of mortal hand.

Mighty and beautiful, but given
    To idols of a creed profane;
That cast the shade of earth on heaven,
    By fancies monstrous, vile, and vain.