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Literary Gazette, 27th August, 1825, Page 557


Grace and beauty had crown'd thee,
When first thy magic bound me;
    In its zenith of power
    Was thy summer hour,
And a light like sunshine was round thee.

The world seem'd made to adore thee,
Proud hearts grew humble before thee;
    I thought of thee
    As a deity
From the blue sky shining o'er thee.

Thy youth and thy days of gladness
Were wasted by early sadness;
    Falsehood and care,
    And thoughts that wear
The brain to death or madness.

But these were days departed;
And if thou wert broken-hearted,
    Thou wert too proud
    To let the crowd
Know when the rebel tear started.

But once I saw thee weeping,
Thy black hair round thee sweeping
    Like the shadow of night,
    To hide from sight
The secret grief thou wer't keeping.