Page:Lange - The Blue Fairy Book.djvu/334

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‘Come down quickly,’ cried Blue Beard, ‘or I will come up to you.’

‘I am coming,’ answered his wife; and then she cried, ‘Anne, sister Anne, dost thou not see anyone coming?’

‘I see,’ replied sister Anne, ‘a great dust, which comes on this side here.’

‘Are they my brothers?’

‘Alas! no, my dear sister, I see a flock of sheep.’

‘Will you not come down?’ cried Blue Beard.

‘One moment longer,’ said his wife, and then she cried out: ‘Anne, sister Anne, dost thou see nobody coming?’

‘I see,’ said she, ‘two horsemen, but they are yet a great way off.’

‘God be praised,’ replied the poor wife joyfully: ‘they are my brothers; I will make them a sign, as well as I can, for them to make haste.’

Then Blue Beard bawled out so loud that he made the whole