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22 The Larger Catechiſm.

not becauſe of thoſe other Graces which do always accompany it, or of good work that are the fruits of it g; nor as if the Grace of Faith, or any Act thereof, were imputed to him for his Juſtification r: but only a, it is an Inſtruent by which he receiv- eth and applieth Chriſt and his Righteouſncſs f. 9 Gal. iii. 11. Rom. ill. 28 Rom. iv. 5. & X. 10. John i. 1 2. Philip iii 9. Gal. i. 16. Q. What is Adoption ? 4. Adoption is an Act of the free Grace of God, In and for his only Son Jeſus Chriſt v, whereby all thoſe that are juſtify d, are received into the Num- ber of his Children , have his Name put upon them, the Spirit of his Son given to them, are under hi Fatherly Care and Diſpenſations, admit- ted to all the Liberties and Privileges of the Sons of God, made Heirs of all the Promice, and Fel- low Heirs with Chiſt in Glory a. t John iii. t. v Eph. 1.5. Cal. iv. 4, 5. w John i. 12. x 2 Cor. vi. 18. Rev. ii. 12. y Gal. iv. 6. z Pſal. cm. 13. P. xiv. 26. Mat. vi. 32. a Heb. v. 12. Rom. viii. 1. Q. What is Sanctification ? A. Sanctification a work of God's Grace, where ty they whom God hath, before the Foundation of the World choſen to be holy, are in time, through the pier Operation of his Spirit, applying The Death and Reſurrection of brit unto them renewed in their whole Man after the image of God d, having the Sce (illegible text) of Repentance unto Life, and of all other ſaving Graces, put into their Hearts e; and thoſe Grace, ſo red up, increaſed and ſrengthned, as that they mire and more die tinto Sil, and tile unto newnes f Life g. b Eph 1.4.1 Cor. xi. 11. 1 7 / ii. 13. c Rom. vi. 4, 5, 6. div. 23, 14. siis xi. 18. 1 7 in ill.