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4 The Large Catchiſm.

gels to Glory w, and, in Chriſt, hath choſen ſome Men to Eternal Life, and the Means thereof x; and alſo According to his ſovereign Power, and the un-ſearchable Counſel of his own Will (whereby he ex- tendeth or withholdeth Favour as he pleaſeth) hath paſt by and fore-ordained the reſt to Diſhonour and Wrath, to be for their Sin inflicted, to the Praiſe of the Glory of his Juſtice y. w x Tint. v. 21. x Eph. i. 4, 5, 6. 2 Theſſ. ii. 13, 14. y Rom. ix.. 17, 18, 21, 22. Mat. xi. 25, 26. 2 Tim. ii. 20. Jude ver. 4. 1 Pet. ii. 8. Q. How doth God execute his Decrees ? A. God executeth his Decrees in the Works of Creation and Providence, according to his infallible Foreknowledge, and the free and immutable Coun- ſel of his own Will z. z Eph. i. 11. Q. What is the Work of Creation ? A. The Work of Creation is that wherein God did in the Beginnings by the Word of his Power, make of nothing the World and all Things therein, for himſelf, within the Space of fix Days, and all very good a. a Gen. i. Chap. Heh. xi. 3. Prov. xvi. 4. Q. How did God create angels ? A. God created all the Angels b, Spirits c, immortal d, holy e, excelling in Knowledge /, mighty in Power g, to execute his Commandments, and to praiſe his Name h, yet ſubject to Changer. b Col. i. 16, c Pſal. civ. 4. d Mat. xxii. 36. e Mat. xxv. 31. f 2 Sam. xiv. 17. Mat.xxiv 36. g 2 Theſſ. i. 7. h Pſal. ciii. 20, 21. i 2 Pet. ii. 4. Q. How did God create Man ? A. After God had made all other Creatures, he created Man Male and Female k, formed the Body of the Man of the Duſt of the Ground l, and the Wo-