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Come in, auld carl, I'd steer-my five,
I'll make it bleeze a bonnie flame;
Your bluid is thin, ye've tint the gate,
Ye should na stray sae far frae hame.

Nae hame have I, the minstrel said,
Sad party-strife o’erturned my ha’;
And, weeping at the eve of life,
I wander through a wreath o’ snaw;


I sigh and lament me in vain,
These walls can but echo my moan,
Alas! it encreases my pain.
When I think of the days that are gone
Thro’ the grate of my prison I see
The birds as they wanton in air,
My heart it now pants to be free,
My looks they are wild with despair.

Above, tho’ oppressed by my fate,
I burn with contempt for my foes,
Tho’ fortune has altered my state,
She ne’er can subdue me to those.