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I'll think of thoſe bewitching ſmiles
That won my heart fae dear, Jeſſie;
I'll think upon ſweet Hauthorn’s den.
How blithe hae we been there, Laſſie?
The Edinburgh’s bonnv walks
Along with thee did bear, Jeſſie,
And thought myſelf’ the braweſt lad
Wi' thee, fae bonny fair, laſſie.

It's wealth that wears the ſilk attire
But wha can e’er win me, Jeſſie;
While I ha'e beauty, worth and love,
A’ that be dear in thee, laſſie,
I dinna look me at the world,
Ev’n a’ that it can gi’e, Jeſſie;
It s ſacred mair what makes me love
And binds my heart to thee, laſſie.

And haud me now aye as your ain.
By a’ thoſe vows fae dear, Jeſſie
And nane nor they do ken that love.
Alone to thee I bear, laſſie
It’s thine wherever I do be.
Divide nae ſeas can we, Jeſſie;
The deareſt wiſh here that I hae.
Is mine aye were thou dear laſſie.