Page:Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes.djvu/19

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hill to be preserved as a burial-place[1] but no person is to be buried there unless the Government for the time being of Rhodesia until the various states of South Africa or any of them shall have been federated and after such federation the Federal Government by a vote of two-thirds of its governing body says that he or she has deserved well of his or her country.

(2.) His Property in Rhodesia.

The Bulawayo and Inyanga Estates. I give free of all duty whatsoever my landed property near Bulawayo in Matabeleland Rhodesia and my landed property at or near Inyanga near Salisbury in Mashonaland Rhodesia to my Trustees hereinbefore named Upon trust that my Trustees shall in such manner as in their uncontrolled discretion they shall think fit cultivate the same respectively for the instruction of the people of Rhodesia.

The Matoppos and Bulawayo Fund.

I give free of all duty whatsoever to my Trustees hereinbefore named such a sum of money as they shall carefully ascertain and in their uncontrolled discretion consider ample and sufficient by its investments to yield income amounting to the sum of £4,000 sterling per annum and not less and I direct my Trustees to invest the same sum and the said sum and
  1. A lady writing over the initials “S. C. S.” in the Westminster Gazette says:—“Very beautiful is a little story which I once heard told of Mr. Rhodes by Mr. G. Wyndham. Beautiful, because it contains the simple expression of a great thought, said quite simply, and without any desire to produce effect, in private to a friend. Mr. Wyndham told how, during his last visit to Africa, they rode together on to the summit of a hill in the Matoppos, which commanded a view of fifty miles in every direction. Circling his hands about the horizon, Mr. Rhodes said, ‘Homes, more homes; that is what I work for.’”