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with openings. Path almost all the afternoon thro’ a forest of light trees with dense undergrowth.

After a halt on a wooded hillside, reached Nselemba at 4:10 p. m. Put up at Govᵗ shanty. Row between the carriers and a man, stating himself in Govᵗ employ, about a mat. Blows with sticks raining hard. Stopped it.

Chief came with a youth about 13 suffering from gun-shot wound in the head. Bullet entered about an inch above the right eyebrow, and came out a little inside the roots of the hair, fairly in the middle of the brow in a line with the bridge of the nose. Bone not damaged apparently. Gave him a little glycerine to put on the wound made by the bullet on coming out.

Harou not very well. Mosquitos—frogs—beastly! Glad to see the end of this stupid tramp. Feel rather seedy. Sun rose red. Very hot day. Wind Sᵗʰ.

General direction of march N. E. by N. Distance about 17 miles.[1]


  1. The journey from Matadi to this point by Stanley Pool took nineteen travelling days. Compare “Heart of Darkness,” p. 72: “On the fifteenth day I came in sight of the big river [Congo] again and hobbled into the Central Station.”