Page:Latin America and the war (IA latinamericawar00perc).djvu/18

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Library of Stanford University, now recognized as one of the greatest collections of its kind in the world. Its Directors, especially Dr. E. D. Adams and Dr. R. H. Lutz, have been indefatigable in their endeavors to secure official documents, books, periodicals, and other material dealing with Latin America's relation to the war. But for the generous cooperation of these gentlemen the preparation of the present work would have been impossible.

The writer also wishes to record his gratitude to a number of distinguished South American scholars who have favored him with critical comments and advice. His thanks are especially due to Dr. Affonso de E. Taunay, the Director of the Museu Paulista and the author of many notable works of the history and institutions of Sao Paulo, to Dr. Helio Lobo, the scholarly Consul General for Brazil in New York and authority on the diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States, and to Dr. Ricardo Rojas, the author of the standard history of Argentina literature.

In the preparation of this monograph for the press the writer is greatly beholden to his friend and colleague, Dr. B. O. Foster, who read the entire manuscript and made many useful suggestions on matter and style. Grateful acknowledgment is also due to Miss Lois Cottrell, Mr. Luis J. de Souza, and Miss Barbara Nolen for aid in collecting documentary material.

Percy A. Martin.

Stanford University, April, 1925.