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187. Inflection of sum in the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect indicative:

Pres. Indic. Pres. Infin, Perf. Indic. Prin. Parts sum esse fui Perfect Stem fu- siNGULAR Perfect plural ful, / have been, I was fu'imus, we have been, we were fuis'ti, you have been, you were fuis'tis, you have been, you were fu'it, he has been, he was fue'runt or fue're, they have been, they we7'e Pluperfect (Tense Sign -era-) fu'eram, / had been fuera'mus, we had been fu'eras, you had been fuera'tis, you had been fu'erat, he had been fu'erant, they had been Future Perfeci' (Tense Sign -eri-) fu'ero, / shall have been fue'rimus, we shall have been fu'eris, you will have been fue'ritis, you will have been f u'erit, he will have been f u'erint, they will have been

1. Note carefully the changing accent in the perfect.
2. Observe that the pluperfect may be formed by adding eram, the imperfect of sum, to the perfect stem. The tense sign is -erā-.
3. Observe that the future perfect may be formed by adding erō, the future of sum, to the perfect stem. But the third person plural ends in -erint, not in -erunt. The tense sign is -eri-.
4. All active perfects, pluperfects, and future perfects are formed on the perfect stem and inflected in the same way.



The Boys Titus, Marcus, and Quintus

First learn the special vocabulary, p. 289.

M. Ubi fuistis, Tite at Quīnte?
T. Ego in meō ludō fuī et Quintus in suō ludō fuit. Bonī puerī fuimus. Fuitne Sextus in vīcō hodiē?
M. Fuit. Nūper per ōs proximōs fluviō properābat. Ibi is et Cornēlius habent nāvigium.