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a. lapis is an exception to this rule.

3. Observe the consonant changes of the base or stem in the nominative:

a. A final -t or -d is dropped before -s; thus mīles for mīlets, lapis for lapids, virtūs for virtūts.

b. A final -c or -g unites with -s and forms -x; thus iūdec + s = iūdex, rēg + s = rēx.

4. Review § 74 and apply the rules to this declension.

In like manner decline dux, ducis, m., leader; eques, equitis, m., horseman; pedes, peditis, m., foot soldier; pēs, pedis, m.,foot.



First learn the special vocabulary, p. 291.


  1. Neque peditēs neque equitēs occupāre castellum Rōmānum poterant.
  2. Summā virtūte mūrōs altōs cotīdiē oppugnābant.
  3. Pedes mīlitum lapidibus quī dē mūrō iaciēbantur saepe vulnerābantur.
  4. Quod novum cōnsilium dux cēpit?
  5. Is perfidam puellam pulchrīs ōrnāmentīs temptāvit.
  6. Quid puella fēcit?
  7. Puella commōta aurō mīlitēs per portās dūxit.
  8. Tamen praemia quae summō studiō petīverat nōn reportāvit.
  9. Apud Rōmānōs antīquōs Tarpēia nōn est laudāta.


  1. What ship is that which I see? That (illud) ship is the Victory. It is sailing now with a favorable wind and will soon approach Italy.
  2. The judges commanded the savages to be seized and to be killed.
  3. The chiefs of the savages suddenly began to flee, but were quickly captured by the horsemen.
  4. The king led the foot soldiers to the wall from which the townsmen were hurling stones with the greatest zeal.