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magnā superāvērunt.

  1. Alia animālia terram, alia mare amant.
  2. Nāvēs longae quae auxilium ad imperātōrem portābant ignī ab hostibus dēlētae sunt.
  3. In eō marī avis multās vīdimus quae longē ā terrā volāverant.
  4. Nōnne vīdistis nāvīs longās hostium et ignīs quibus urbs nostra vāstābātur? Certē, sed nec caedem cīvium nec fugam clientium vīdimus.
  5. Avēs et alia animālia, ubi ignem vīdērunt, salūtem fugā petere celeriter incēpērunt.
  6. Num iūdex in peditum ōrdinibus stābat? Minimē, iūdex erat apud equitēs et equus eius īnsigne pulchrum gerēbat.

naves longae


  1. Because of the lack of grain the animals of the village were not able to live.
  2. When the general[1] heard the rumor, he quickly sent a horseman to the village.
  3. The horseman had a beautiful horse and wore spurs of gold.
  4. He said to the citizens, “Send your retainers with horses and wagons to our camp, and you will receive an abundance of grain.”
  5. With happy hearts they hastened to obey his words.[2]
  1. Place first.
  2. Not the accusative. Why?