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297. Learn the declension and meaning of the following indefinites:

Masc. Fem. Neut.

quid, some one, any one (substantive)

quī qua or quae

quod, some, any (adjective), <a href = "LatinBegin2.html#sec483">§ 483</a>


aliquid, some one, any one (substantive), <a href ="LatinBegin2.html#sec487">§ 487</a>

aliquī aliqua

aliquod, some, any (adjective), <a href ="LatinBegin2.html#sec487">§ 487</a>

quīdam quaedam

quoddam, quiddam, a certain, a certain one, <a href ="LatinBegin2.html#sec485">§ 485</a>


quicquam or quidquam (no plural), any one (at all) (substantive), <a href = "LatinBegin2.html#sec486">§ 486</a>


quidque, each one, every one (substantive), <a href ="LatinBegin2.html#sec484">§ 484</a>

quisque quaeque

quodque, each, every (adjective), <a href ="LatinBegin2.html#sec484">§ 484</a>

Transcriber’s Note:
I.the original text, the combined forms (masculine/feminine) were printed in the “masculine” column.

Note. The meanings of the neuters, something, etc., are easily inferred from the masculine and feminine.

a. In the masculine and neuter singular of the indefinites, quis-forms and quid-forms are mostly used as substantives, quī-forms and quod-forms as adjectives.

b. The indefinites quis and quī never stand first I.a clause, and are rare excepting after , nisi, , num (as, sī quis, if any one; sī quid, if anything; nisi quis, unless some one). Generally aliquis and aliquī are used instead.

c. The forms qua and aliqua are both feminine nominative singular and neuter nominative plural of the indefinite adjectives quī and aliquī respectively. How do these differ from the corresponding forms of the relative quī?

d. Observe that quīdam (quī + -dam) is declined like quī, except that in the accusative singular and genitive plural m of quī becomes n (cf. § 28

  1. a): quendam,

quandam, quōrundam, quārundam; also that the neuter has quiddam (substantive) and quoddam (adjective) in the nominative and accusative singular. Quīdam is the least indefinite of the indefinite pronouns, and implies that you could name the person or thing referred to if you cared to do so.

e. Quisquam and quisque (substantive) are declined like quis.

f. Quisquam, any one (quicquam or quidquam, anything), is always used substantively and chiefly in negative sentences. The corresponding adjective any is ūllus, -a, -um (§ 108).