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391. Observe the sentences

  1. Rōmānī Caesarem cōnsulem fēcērunt, the Romans made Cæsar consul.

2. Caesar cōnsul ā Rōmānīs factus est, Cæsar was made consul by the Romans.

a. Observe in 1 that the transitive verb fēcērunt, made, has two objects: (1) the direct object, Caesarem; (2) a second object, cōnsulem, referring to the same person as the direct object and completing the predicate. The second accusative is called a Predicate Accusative.

b. Observe in 2 that when the verb is changed to the passive both of the accusatives become nominatives, the direct object becoming the subject and the predicate accusative the predicate nominative.

392. Rule. Two Accusatives. Verbs of making, choosing, calling, showing, and the like, may take a predicate accusative along with the direct object. With the passive voice the two accusatives become nominatives.

393. The verbs commonly found with two accusatives are

creo, creāre, creāvī, creātus, choose

appellō, appellāre, appellāvī, appellātus

nōminō, nōmināre, nōmināvī, nōminātus

vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus


faciō, facere, fēcī, factus, make




  1. In Germāniae silvis sunt[1] multa genera ferārum quae reliquīs in locīs nōn vīsa sint.
  2. Erant[1] itinera duo quibus Helvētiī domō discēdere possent.
  3. Erat[1] manus nūlla, nūllum oppidum, nūllum praesidium quod sē armīs dēfenderet.
  4. Tōtō frūmentō raptō, domī nihil erat quō mortem prohibēre possent.
  5. Rōmānī Galbam ducem creāvērunt et summā celeritāte profectī sunt.
  6. Neque erat[1] tantae multitūdinis quisquam quī morārī vellet.
  7. Germānī nōn iī sunt quī adventum Caesaris vereantur.
  8. Cōnsulibus occīsīs erant quī[2] vellent
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Remember that when the verb sum precedes its subject it is translated there is, there are, there were, etc.
  2. erant quī, there were (some) who. A wholly indefinite antecedent of quī does not need to be expressed.