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lamque Pūblius, quindecim[1] annōs nātus, prīmis[2] litterarum dementīs cōnfectīs, Rōmam petere voluit ut scholās grammaticōrum et philosophōrum frequentāret. Et facillimē patrī[3] suō, quī ipse philosophiae studiō tenēbatur, persuāsit. Itaque omnibus[4] rēbus ad profectiōnem comparātīs, pater fīliusque equis animōsis vectī[5] ad magnam urbem profectī sunt. Eōs proficiscentīs Iūlia tōtaque familia vōtis precibusque prōsecūtae sunt. Tum per loca[6] plāna et collīs silvīs vestītōs viam ingressī sunt ad Nōlam, quod oppidum eōs hospitiō modicō excēpit. Nōlae[7] duās horās morāti sunt, quod sōl meridiānus ārdēbat. Tum rēctā viā[8] circiter vīgintī mīlia[9] passuum[9] Capuam,[9] ad īnsignem Campāniae urbem, contendērunt. Eō[10] multā nocte defessi pervenerunt. Postridiē eius diēī,[11] somnō et cibō recreātī, Capuā discessērunt et viam Appiam[12] ingressī, quae Capuam tangit et ūsque ad urbem Rōmam dūcit, ante merīdiem Sinuessam pervēnērunt, quod oppidum tangit mare. Inde prīmā lūce proficīscentēs Formiās[13] properāvērunt, ubi Cicerō, ōrātor clārissimus, quī forte apud vīllam suam erat, eōs benignē excēpit. Hinc itinere[14] vīgintī quīnque mīlium passuum factō, Tarracīnam, oppidum in saxīs altissimis situm, vidērunt. Iamque nōn longē aberant palūdēs magnae, quae multa mīlia passuum undique patent. Per eās pedestris via est gravis et in nāve viātōrēs vehuntur. Itaque equīs relictīs[15] Lentulus et Pūblius nāvem cōnscendērunt, et, ūnā nocte in trānsitū cōnsūmptā, Forum Appi vēnērunt Tum brevī tempore Arīcia eōs excēpit. Hoc oppidum, in colle

  1. quīndecim, etc., cf. p. 210, l. 5, and note.
  2. prīmīs … cōnfectīs, abl. abs. Cf. § 501. 28.
  3. patrī, dat. with persuāsit.
  4. omnibus … comparātis, abl. abs. Cf. § 501. 28.
  5. vectī, perf. pass. part, of vehō.
  6. What is there peculiar about the gender of this word?
  7. Nōlae, locative case, §501.36.2.
  8. viā, cf. portā, p. 208, l. 7, and note.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 What construction?
  10. , adv. there.
  11. Postrīdiē eius diēī, on the next day.
  12. viam Appiam, the most famous of all Roman roads, the great highway from Rome to Tarentum and Brundisium, with numerous branches. Locate on the map the various towns that are mentioned in the lines that follow.
  13. Formiās, Formiae one of the most beautiful spots on this coast, and a favorite site for the villas of rich Romans.
  14. itinere … factō, abl. abs. The gen. mīlium modifies itinere.
  15. equīs relictīs. What construction? Point out a similar one in the next line.