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(iānua) and window (fenestra) of the cottage; the wall (mūrus) at the left; the water jar (urna) at the right of the door; the vine (vītis) growing against the cottage; the oil flask (guttus) on the window sill; the bowl (patella) from which the farmer is eating; the basket (canistrum) from which the girl is scattering the grain (frūmentum); and the villa (vīlla) on the hill (collis) with its buildings (aedificia) and trees (arborēs).


Begin the recitation by asking the questions in § 63. The agreement of the nouns and adjectives will naturally lead up to drill on the rule, § 65.

When adjectives and nouns are declined together, either orally or at the board, do not permit pupils to give first the noun complete and then the adjective complete, but let each noun form be followed at once by its corresponding adjective, as, domina bona, dominae bonae, dominae bonae, etc.

Cultivate in your pupils from the very outset a proper regard for the order of words. In § 69 note the special emphasis resting on Longae in 1, on meā in 2, on lātā in 3, on altās in 4, on tuā and meā in 6, on lāta and Longā in 7, on fīliābus in 8, and on clāra in 9.


It would be well to spend two days on this review, devoting the first to a review of the vocabulary and the second to a review of the grammar. A good way to handle the vocabulary review is to allow two pupils to choose sides, and engage in a vocabulary contest, conducting it like a spelling match. Go over both the Latin-English and English-Latin vocabularies.

The grammar review may most profitably be made the basis of a written test. Fill out the summary, § 505, on the board, the pupils dictating; or include it in the written test.