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§ 165. When assigning these paradigms pronounce them and have the class repeat. You may have to do this several times before they are given correctly. The future will give the most trouble.

In written work require the pupils, as in the case of the active forms, to separate the component parts — stem, tense sign, personal ending — of each form by hyphens.

§ 166. Intransitive verbs are sometimes used impersonally in the passive, as mātūrātur, it is hastened, but there is no advantage in burdening the beginner's mind with that point at this time.

§ 167. II. 3 and 5. It is well to remember that the verb move is always transitive in Latin and in a sentence would have an object. Such expressions, therefore, as you move and you will move are inserted simply for practice on the paradigms.

Vocabulary, p. 288. Have the declension of deus, § 468, learned at this time.


§ 169. Treat this article the same as § 165.

§ 169. c. Assign some verbs of the first and second conjugations for inflection along with those of the third and fourth.

Vocabulary, p. 288. In connection with autem teach the class the meaning of the word postpositive.

§ 171. Call attention to the emphatic position of Mala and the emphatic order of Eam amābat Cēpheus maximē.


§ 172. In connection with work on the -iō verbs assign for inflection some verbs of the fourth conjugation for comparison.

Vocabulary, p. 289. The word locus has also the regular masculine plural locī; but this does not mean localities, but places or passages in books.