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3. In audiō the personal endings are added regularly to the stem audī-. In the third person plural -u- is inserted between the stem and the personal ending, as audi-u-nt. Note that the long vowel of the stem is shortened before final -t just as in amō and moneō. (Cf. § 12. 2.)

Note that -i- is always short in the third conjugation and long in the fourth, excepting where long vowels are regularly shortened. (Cf. § 12. 1, 2.)

148. Like regō and audiō inflect the present active indicative of the following verbs:

Indicative Present Infinitive Present
agō, I drive agere, to drive
dīcō, I say dīcere, to say
dūcō, I lead dūcere, to lead
mittō, I send mittere, to send
mūniō, I fortify mūnīre, to fortify
reperiō, I find reperīre, to find
veniō, I come venīre, to come



  1. Quis agit? Cūr venit? Quem mittit? Quem dūcis?
  2. Quid mittunt? Ad quem veniunt? Cuius castra mūniunt?
  3. Quem agunt? Venīmus. Quid puer reperit?
  4. Quem mittimus? Cuius equum dūcitis? Quid dīcunt?
  5. Mūnīmus, venītis, dīcit.
  6. Agimus, reperītis, mūnīs.
  7. Reperīs, dūcitis, dīcis.
  8. Agitis, audīmus, regimus.


  1. What do they find? Whom do they hear? Why does he come?
  2. Whose camp are we fortifying? To whom does he say? What are we saying?
  3. I am driving, you are leading, they are hearing.
  4. You send, he says, you fortify (sing. and plur.).
  5. I am coming, we find, they send.
  6. They lead, you drive, he does fortify.
  7. You lead, you find, you rule, (all plur.).

Cornelia and her Jewels (Concluded)

Proximum domiciliō Cornēliae erat pulchrae Campānae domicilium. Campāna erat superba nōn sōlum fōrmā suā sed maximē ōrnāmentīs suīs. Ea[1] laudābat semper. “Habēsne tū ūlla ōrnāmenta, Cornēlia?”

  1. Ea, accusative plural neuter.