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Future (Tense Sign) -bi-)

amā´bor, I shall be loved

monē´bor, I shall be advised


amā´beris or amā´bere, you will be loved

monē´beris or monē´bere, you will be advised

-ris or -re

amā´bitur, he will be loved

monē´bitur, he will be advised


amā´bimur, we shall be loved

monē´bimur, we shall be advised


amābi´minī, you will be loved

monēbi´minī, you will be advised


amābun´tur, they will be loved

monēbun´tur, they will be advised

1. The tense sign and the personal endings are added as in the active.
2. In the future the tense sign -bi- appears as -bo- in the first person, -be- in the second, singular number, and as -bu- in the third person plural.
3. Inflect laudō, necō, portō, moveō, deleō, iubeō, in the present, imperfect, and future indicative, active and passive.

168. Intransitive verbs, such as mātūrō, I hasten; habitō, I dwell, do not have a passive voice with a personal subject.




  1. Laudaris or laudare, laudās, datur, dat.
  2. Dabitur, dabit, vidēminī, vidētis.
  3. Vocābat, vocabātur, dēlēbitis, dēlēbiminī.
  4. Parābatur, parābat, cūrās, cūrāris or cūrāre.
  5. Portābantur, portābant, vidēbimur, vidēbimus.
  6. Iubēris or iubēre, iubēs, laudābāris or laudābāre, laudābās.
  7. Movēberis or movēbere, movēbis, dabantur, dabant.
  8. Dēlentur, dēlent, parābāmur, parābāmus.


  1. We prepare, we are prepared, I shall be called, I shall call, you were carrying, you were being carried.
  2. I see, I am seen, it was being announced, he was announcing, they will order, they will be ordered.
  3. You will be killed, you will kill, you move, you are moved, we are praising, we are being praised.
  4. I am called, I call,