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with a sacred splendor of the empyrean across all earthly darkneises and contradictions: and some again are, to a terrible extent, Devil-worships, fruitful in temporary bullion, in upholstery, gluttony and universal varnish and gold-leaf; and issuing, alas, at length in street-barricades, and a confused return of them to the Devil whose they are ! — My friend, I have to speak in crude language, the wretched times being dumb and deaf: and if thou find no truth under this but the phantom of an extinct Hebrew one, I at present cannot help it. Hengst Invasions, Norman Conquests, Battles of Brunanburg, Battles of Evesham, Towton ; Plantagenets, Wars of Roses, Wars of Roundheads : does the fool in his heart believe all this was a Donnybrook Bedlam, originating nowhere, proceeding nowhither? His beautifully cultivated intellect has given him such interpretation, and no better, of the Universe we live in ? He discerns it to be an enormous sooty Weaving shop, and turbid Manufactory of eatables and drinkables and wearables ; sparingly supplied with provender by the industrious individuals, and much infested by the mad and idle. And he can consent to live here ; he does not continually think of suicide as a remedy ? The unhappy mortal : if a soul ever awaken in him again, his first thought will be of prussic-acid, I should say ! — All history, whether M'Crowdy and his Fine Arts know the fact or not, is an inarticulate Bible ; and in a dim intricate manner reveals the Divine Appearances in this lower world. For God did make this world, and does forever govern it ; the loud-roaring Loom