Page:Latvian self-taught for English speaking people - Kratins.djvu/7

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Supplement to magazine ZINTIS


by Ojārs Krātiņš

The Alphabet and Pronunciation

Latvian Alphabet Pronunciation International Phonetic Alphabet
A a
close to a in eastern U.S. farm [fam] e.g., balts, white

a mati, hair; labi, well (adv.)

B b
same as in English, e.g. bet, but

b bikses, trousers; bez, without

C c
as ts in tsar, e.g. cik, how much

c acs, eye; cept, to bake

Č č
as ch in chin, e.g. četri, four

č čeks, cheque; buča, kiss

Ch ch
as ch in the Scottish loch, e.g. chaoss [xaos], chaos

ch cholera, cholera; šachs, chess

D d
same as in English, e.g. divi, two

d desmit, ten; durvis, door; daba, nature

Dz dz
as ds in birds, e.g. dzert, to drink

dz redze, the sense of sight; dzert, to drink

Dž dž
as j in joy, e.g. dadži, thistles

bundža, tin can
