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Of the Head.

To dream you have a great head Is good for it fortelleth principality and digniry.

Of the Forehead,

The forhead sound and fleshy, is good to all, signifies liberty in speech, strength and constancy; but to dream you have a head of brass, iron, or stone, to all takers of ventures, and such as live by shameless gain, by good, and to those only, for to others it most certainly breed hate.

Of the Hair,

To have many hairs is good to him, that would have anyone obedient to him wife children, & servants, to the rich it signifies great return of his goods, if the hairs be well shapen, but if deformed to his ill.

This dream is ill to servants, or these that have suits in law.

Of the Brow.

The brows hairy and of a good grace are