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Wind pipe, signifies another on the right side Hip, denoting the party to suffer much by falls and bruises, if on a mau it happen, but if on a woman, it denates to her by water, or blasting by lightening, &c.

A mole on the middle of the left cheek denotes diseases, uncertain abiding, and shortness of days.

A mole on the right cheek, either in the upper part or middle, denotes, good fortune to man or woman, to be obtained by prudence or industry.

A mole on the upper part of the middle of the neck of a man or woman, threatens the former with strangling, and the latter with danger in child-birth.

A mole on the right arm denotes rich, and good fortune to the party; if on a Man, to he a proficent in arms, and gain honour in military affairs; to a woman it portends a happy marriage, health and long substance.

A mole on the left arm of a man; signifies him rash and one apt to do violence