Page:Law of Marriage as relating to the prohibited degrees of affinity.djvu/101

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Evidence of the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D.

418. Your attention has been directed to the consideration of marriages within the prohibited degrees of affinity?—Yes, it was, some time ago, by the application of those who wished to promote them.

419. And you published a letter, which is now before the Commissioners?—I did.

420. Will you have the goodness to state to the Commissioners whether you consider that those marriages are or are not prohibited by the law of God?—I consider that they are.

421. Are you of opinion that they are prohibited by any direct reference to the words of Scripture?—Yes, by the words of Scripture itself.

422. Are you aware of any passages of Scripture which have reference to this subject, and support the view which you now take, beyond those which are mentioned in your pamphlet?—The chief passage is Leviticus xviii. 6, "Thou shalt not approach those near of kin." It has been understood universally of the prohibited degrees.

423. Do you refer to that particular passage in proof of your opinion that such marriages are prohibited by Scripture?—Yes; it has been understood all along in the Christian Church that the specific cases mentioned under