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Ord. No. 51 of 1990


Ordiance No. 51 of 1990


I assent.

12 July 1990

An Ordinance to provide for the publication of an edition in loose-leaf form of the Laws of Hong Kong.

[13 July 1990]

Enacted by the Governor of Hong Kong, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof.

1. Short title and commencement

(1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Laws (Loose-leaf Publication) Ordinance 1990.

(2) Section 6 shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Governor by notice in the Gazette.

2. Publication of Ordinances, etc. in a loose-leaf edition

(1) The Attorney General may cause to be published any Ordinance or other legislation which applies in Hong Kong in an edition in loose-leaf form (the “loose-leaf edition” (活頁版)) and may from time to time cause to be published new or replacement pages for the loose-leaf edition to keep it correct and up to date.

(2) The Attorney General may in the loose-leaf edition—

(a) arrange the grouping and sequence of legislation;
(b) give a chapter number to each Ordinance, alter the short title or citation thereof and alter accordingly any provision of any Ordinance in which such short title or citation appears; and
(c) omit any enacting, expired or spent provision from any Ordinance.

(3) The Attorney General may cause to be published any Ordinance, as published in the loose-leaf edition, in the form of a separate booklet.

(4) The Attorney General may include in the loose-leaf edition and in any booklet such notes, indexes and other information as he considers useful.

(5) In the loose-leaf edition and in every booklet each page shall include the statement “Authorized Loose-leaf Edition, Printed and Published by the Government Printer, Hong Kong”.