Page:Lazarus, a tale of the world's great miracle.djvu/244

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believe it, Joseph might receive assurance that she was a pure woman, true and faithful. And then one night her prayer was answered, for an angel from the Lord appeared to Joseph, and thus he spake: "Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins."

" 'And when he woke from sleep, he went to Mary and fell down and worshipped her and said: "Mary, Mary, forgive me; I have done thee grievous wrong. Blessed art thou amongst women."

" 'And Mary, who was ever tender and loving and forgiving, looked at him kneeling at her feet, and said: "How wouldst thou know, Joseph, except the Lord did tell thee? But forbear to kneel to me, for I am but the Lord's hand-maiden." And then Mary opened her mouth and sang a beauteous song, a song so sweet that the nations will sing it evermore; and at the Judgment Day shall again be heard the song of this pure, faithful woman. And, as she sang, I heard a chorus of angels join in and sing, Praise, praise to God in the highest, and on earth peace."

"And again Truth handed me the mirror in which to see the vision of the future; and I saw one with a sword pierce the heart of the Virgin through and through. Again I saw her bowed down with grief and desolate, wandering towards the grave of her slain Son; and, as she walked, great drops fell from her eyes, and, wherever one did fall, a pure white lily did spring up to mark the place. 'See how